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COVID 19 - Due to the current pandemic and the governments lockdown restrictions, The Charlie Burns Foundation have paused some activities but are still focusing on supporting the families affected by serious violence. 


 Have a look at our dedicated COVID-19 support Service page for more details. 

If you require any support during these uncertain times, our Trauma-Informed Family Support Worker is at hand to provide practical support, emotional support, advocacy and advice. Please call our dedicated support line on 07368-274-307. 

Our Mission

The Foundation’s primary objectives are to :-

• Provide advocacy, befriending & emotional support for the victims of serious violence and serious youth violence

• Work with schools to provide early intervention for young people to prevent the pressures of postcode rivalry, youth culture, gang culture and gang affiliation 

• Expose the effects of knife crime (carrying/using a knife or gun/prevention of violent crime) 

• Promote social change through active anti-violent crime campaigns 

• Collaborate with local, regional and national organisations to create safer streets, break barriers and divisions that cause postcode rivalry and create initiatives that bring communities together 

• Create projects that respond to the communities needs relating to violent crime and serious youth violence


"I lost my son to knife crime in 2014. Enough is enough, I don't want another family going through what we have and are still going through"

Keeley Burns

Supported by

Clarion Futures is a charitable foundation led by Clarion Housing Group. Their mission is to provide people with the tools and support they need to overcome their challenges, transforming lives and communities for the better. The Charlie Burns Foundation received grants

Postcode Community Trust is a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

The Charlie Burns Foundation received a grant from the Trust to fund a Trauma-Informed family support worker to provide outreach & practical support to families bereaved by serious youth violence.

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